Spanish Galleon

Jan 17, 2007
Issue 223

Last month we surveyed Club members to see if they favored acquiring the
Spanish Galleon candlesticks in partnership with the Corning Museum of Glass
(“CMoG”) to pair it up with the amethyst cut glass Spanish Galleon, pedestal
center bowl that is part of the Rockwell Museum’s long term loan exhibit. This
was further intended to not only couple up this console set, but to dedicate it in
honor of long time benefactor to Carder Steuben, Bob Rockwell.
The response was overwhelming in support. Attached you’ll see a jpeg of the
candlesticks which are now in our possession with Dick Bright, as well as a
picture of the center bowl he took at CMoG in the Rockwell Gallery in Building B.
We can expect that we’ll share a ceremony of dedication at the Carder
Symposium, Sept. 15 & 16.
This was a popular decision and even included an anonymous donor for $1,000
towards the purchase.
Club members should now be receiving membership renewal forms from CMoG.
One of the benefits of membership in the Club is the Club makes a contribution
to the CMoG that acquires membership for each one of our members. While the
Club’s fiscal year starts at the time of the Symposium, the membership in CMoG
follows and I believe it commences on March 1 of each year. For any who are not
current members of the Club I encourage you to join now, and in exchange you
get a CMoG membership. This gets you free admission to CMoG, discounts on
purchases at CMoG, a subscription to their magazine and discounts or free
admission at New York State museums and Museum of Glass in Tacoma, WA.
This is an unbeatable deal. A membership application is attached. We would also
encourage everyone to consider additional levels of membership to CMoG when
you get your application.
Now, to what your Club is currently working on. One of the major impediments
to exposing the extraordinary collection of the Rockwell Museum collection of
Carder Steuben glass on exhibit at Building B of the CMoG is that visitors to
CMoG don’t realize there is a Building B across the parking lot. To help with
greater exposure we have suggested to CMoG that they print up a three panel
brochure which is totally focused on Building B. That is the Rockwell collection
and the Studio(student classes). This brochure could be a pick up piece in the
Crystal City and Twentieth Century Exhibits of the Museum that would remind
the viewer of the more Carder pieces on exhibit across the CMoG parking lot.
The Museum has given us a positive response to this idea. We’re now discussing
production costs, and contemplate we would assist with this. Since there are
thousands of visitors, the cost will be significant, but could have an important
impact in exposing visitors to Building B.
Finally, a reminder. Our website is It is rich in
content and worth periodic visits. Our webmaster, Mark Buffa indicates that
while we’ve loaded a limited number of new pictures to the on line drawing index
of late, that he and Jim Barlow are getting an updated computer that will assist
in speeding up the addition of line drawing pictures, but additional content

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.