Let’s Make A Deal

Dec 10, 2015
Issue 2366


Membership in the Carder Steuben Club includes a membership in the Corning Museum of Glass. One of the benefits of a CMoG membership is a subscription to CMoG’s member magazine, The Gather. The current issue includes two Steuben articles – one on recent gifts of two vases from the 1938/1939 series Twenty-Seven Contemporary Artists (page 15) and the second on the introduction of the new 2015 Steuben Holiday Ornament (page 4). Please renew your membership now if you haven’t already done so to continue receiving The Gather, or, if you are not a current member, consider joining to begin receiving The Gather. Complete membership details can be found at the website (www.cardersteubenclub.org).

Scott Hansen


PS Don’t forget to periodically check the Steuben website (www.steuben.com). ; The sale and production of new and reintroduced Steuben items since 2013 is described there. The newest 2016 reintroduction is the Nautilus Bowl by Taf Schaefer (a few pieces are already available –

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.