Ribbon Cutting for the Griffin Center

May 9, 2016
Issue 2464

The University Of Southern Indiana, of Evansville, IN Showcases A Part of their Carder Steuben Collection at Their New Visitors Center

Alan and Susan Shovers

Who’s That?

The below picture from the brilliant cut glass show at CMoG stirred two questions. Who is that in the diamond center and whose both is this? Beth Shaut answers both questions. That’s Jim Sutterfield of Corning in the picture, and it looks like he is next to his wife Alice. The booth is Kevin McNamara’s (KPM Arts and Antiques) of Kensington, CT.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.