Who Done It? Perhaps after all…

Nov 20, 2014
Issue 2106

A Fake Fry Signature?

I have an interest in Fry glass, though I am far from an “expert” on that company’s many types of wares. I inquired of a friend who is an avid collector of Fry glass. To summarize the response: “As far as we know, only Fry’s cut glass bears an acid stamp signature; no art glass or colored glass made by Fry bears such a signature. However, we have seen fake Fry Foval art glass and some colored glass signed with an acid signature, but it is believed that no colored or art glass made by Fry was signed.” (Fry’s heatproof oven glass did often bear the company name, though that was due to it being in the pressmold. Clearly, we’re not talking about that sort of utilitarian glass here.)

Though I have not looked up the amber cornucopia vase in the shape index for myself, I’d guess it is an unsigned piece of Steuben, and that someone felt the need to mark it with a spurious trademark in order to sell the piece for more money.

This reminds me of a story that a friend told me: He purchased a Tiffany leaded glass lampshade with a fake Tiffany marking on it. Upon closer inspection, he found the actual Tiffany mark, which the forger was not educated enough to locate.

Michael Krumme

Los Angeles

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Carder Steuben Glass Association
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