What’s next?

Feb 25, 2011
Issue 1109

First off Tom Dimitroff poses this after all the discussion about Steuben now moving towards colored art glass.

Watch for a major change in Steuben.

You’ll see this Gazette is numbered #1109—a quick jump of about 10 numbers since the last Gazette. Marshall Ketchum, the Club’s webmaster, noticed in posting and saving Gazette’s to the Club’s website, www.cardersteubenclub.org , that somewhere along the line we repeated numbers. So, he has renumbered. It’s quite amazing that more than 1,100 Gazette’s have been distributed; and that’s just since we started numbering them. Lots of shared information.

Finally, the last reminder of the glass meeting in San Diego (Rancho Bernardo is a suburb) on Sunday, March 13. A morning of cut glass, then lunch followed with a magnificent dessert array, featuring a number of flavors of cheese cake. Then an afternoon of bliss seeing and discussing Carder Steuben glass. See attachment.

Any opinions expressed by participants to the Gazette are the opinions of the authors and are not endorsed by or the opinions of the Carder Steuben Club.

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.