What’s New in the Shape Gallery

May 1, 2024
Issue 3709

Scott Coots, our webmaster, has been busy updating the CSGA website with new Steuben examples added to the online Shape Gallery. In support of our mission “To encourage and promote the collecting and enjoyment of Steuben glass developed by Frederick Carder and produced during the period from 1903 through 1933, and post-Carder or modern Steuben glass beginning in 1933,” Scott continues to add both Carder and “modern” or post-Carder era pieces. 

You can view new additions by visiting the CSGA website and clicking on “Recent Additions” to enjoy the latest beautiful pieces.  We invite you to send photos of any items you may have that are not yet documented.  Submit your photos and information about the piece (dimensions, color, etc.) to webmaster@steubenglass.org.

Below are a few examples from the database.


Thank you to all who have renewed your membership in the Carder Steuben Glass Association or have joined us for the first time this year.  We greatly appreciate your support!

One of the perks of CSGA membership is that you are also granted membership to the Corning Museum of Glass.  All current CSGA members should by now have received their CMoG membership cards.  Please note that last year CMoG moved to a digital membership card format so your membership card expiration date may have automatically updated, or you may have received an email to download your digital card for the first time.  Here are some additional instructions on how to access your membership card from our CMoG contact Kim Rasmussen.

How do I download & use my digital membership card on my Android?

If you have an Android device, you can choose where to install your membership card. The Google Wallet app is strongly recommended, as it is an app that is built for Android devices, easy to use, reliable, and available on most Android devices. 

If you choose the Google Wallet app (Gpay):

  1. Make sure Gpay app is installed. You can download it from here.
  2. Open the email with your digital membership card on your phone.
  3. Tap on the “Download Membership” button.
  4. Click on “Add to Gpay.”
  5. A preview will appear. Click on “Save to Gpay.”

In some cases, Gpay might ask you to log in so you can save it to an account. Please log in to continue (no credit card information should be required). The card will be saved to Gpay and you can access it from the Gpay app at any time.

You can “flip over” your digital card to read about your benefits, receive discount codes, and even receive members-only RSVP links to special events. On an Android device, open the card in your Wallet, and then click the “Details” button at the base of the page. You’ll be able to see your name, your level of support, your expiration date, and all your member benefits on the back of the card. 

How do I download & use my digital membership card on my iPhone?

All members will receive an email with their unique membership card. On the bottom of the email, you’ll find a download link. Using your iPhone to view the email, click the “Download” button, then “Add to Wallet,” then “Add.” Your digital membership card will automatically download to the Apple Wallet app, an app standard for all iPhones.

To access the digital wallet, swipe down on your home screen to activate the Search function. Type “Wallet” into the search bar. Then, tap the Wallet icon that appears under the “Applications” header. From there, you will be able to access your digital card.

You can “flip over” your digital card to read about your benefits, receive discount codes, and even receive members-only RSVP links to special events. On an iPhone, open the card in your Wallet, and then click on the three dots in a circle located at the top right of the card. Select “Pass Details,” and you’ll be able to read all the benefits listed on the back of the card.

Additional Notes

If you do not have a digital card and didn’t receive an email notifying you to download your card, please check your email spam folder.  You can also email membership@cmog.org and they will send your personal link and instructions on how to load it onto your phone.  If you are visiting CMoG and can’t seem to find your card, you may also give your name at the visitor’s desk and they should be able to look up your membership.


  • The Eastern National Antique Show — May 3rd & 4th at the Carlisle Expo Center in Carlisle, PA.  This is a very good show for GLASS!  We are planning to have a display there for our organization.
  • Save the date for the next CSGA Annual Symposium — September 19-21, 2024 in Corning, NY.  
Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.