What’s In A Signature

Apr 5, 2016
Issue 2439

Enjoying the Lovely Pictures

Hi Alan,

Bob Rockwell took me into his office once when he and I were discussing Mr. Carder’s signing various items when people would stop by his house. As we all know Bob has some wonderful objects signed by F.Carder. One item on Bob’s office shelf caught my eye, and I questioned it being there at all. He agreed with me that it was not a Steuben goblet, but probably Fostoria or Cambridge or the like. It was however a Rosa and green two color goblet. Much to my surprise, when Bob handed it to me, it was engraved” F. Carder / Steuben”. Bob then told me as F. Carder got way up in years, his eye sight began to fail a bit like all of us old cronies. Hence, there were some mistakes made. Well, as it has been said, “That’s my story and I am sticking to it”

I so enjoy seeing all of the lovely pictures of member’s Carder Glass. Puts a bounce in my step.


David Donaldson, Orlando

Horse Head

Hi Alan,

David Chadwick-Brown’s horse head looks like it could be just the head of the horse Carder made. They had problem with molding piece and a lot of them came out with parts missing on the leg area and body area. We have one of the horses that is unfinished because of the missing parts and it couldn’t be fixed.

Beth Shaut, Carder Steuben Glass Shop, Corning, NY

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