What Happenings?

Mar 18, 2015
Issue 2180

Make Your Plans

Hello to all fellow Carder Steuben Club Members!

Spring is right around the corner, and I’m sure those of you who have had to deal with record amounts of snowfall this Winter are elated to see Spring arrive. We are approximately six months out for our annual Symposium this coming September 17th through 19th.

As tradition has it, the closing dinner on Saturday evening is immediately followed by our Club’s annual fund raising auction. Again this year, I will be assuming the co-chair lead for the auction along with fellow co-chair Mike Moline. After some discussion with fellow members, it is felt that if we can obtain between 50 and 60 lots for the auction, both donated and consigned, this seems to be an optimal amount of items so that the auction does not run too long into the night.

This year if possible, we would like our focus to be solely on Steuben, both Carder and modern era pieces. If there are not enough Steuben items committed to the auction by late August, it may then become necessary to expand the offerings to Corning related glassware and miscellaneous interesting glass art pieces. Let’s see if we can get good interesting Steuben pieces though, after all, it is the Carder Steuben Club’s Auction!

Please consider looking over your collections, or pieces in boxes that you don’t have displayed in your home, or possibly purchase a piece at a show, flea market, or internet site such as eBay, for little cost and see if your good eye as a picker could be parlayed into a positive profit.

The Club is greatly enhanced if all members participate in some way shape or form, so please show your continued support to this worthy cause. Feel free to contact myself or Mike Moline with all questions, or comments related to the dinner auction, and we look forward to seeing all attendees this year at the Symposium.


Mark Chamovitz

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.