
Aug 8, 2011
Issue 1249

Monday, August 8, 2011


Thank you to those who have already registered for the Symposium. We are off to a nice start on attendance and appreciate the early sign-ups. For those of you still waiting, remember that the early registration fee discount expires on September 2.

Our blocks of discounted rooms at the Radisson Corning and the Comfort Inn Corning are filling up quickly. Make your reservations now if you wish to take advantage of the discounted rates (and secure a room – remember that the Symposium takes place at the start of leaf peeping season in the Finger Lakes). The discounted rates expire August 23 at the Radisson and September 1 at the Comfort Inn.

Marshall Ketchum, our auction chair, reports that items are being contributed to the auction. The glass auction following the banquet on Saturday night is a fund raising event for the club. The blue sheet in the packet of Symposium materials has all the details for placing items in the auction. If you don’t have the blue sheet, it can be found on the home page of the club web site (www.cardersteubenclub.org) or in Gazelle Gazette issue #1243 (also accessible through the club web site). Please note that only cash or checks can be used to pay for auction purchases. We do not have the ability to process credit cards.

Finally, I received a question about dress for the Symposium. Casual dress for the sessions is fine and the Saturday night banquet is semi-formal.

If you have questions, just send me an email at hngseh@aol.com. Thanks. Scott Hansen


2011 Carder Steuben Club annual Symposium will be held at The Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, NY from September 15-17, 2011.

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.