
Aug 23, 2012
Issue 1551

Thursday, August 23, 2012

In the last Gazette we shared some pictures that Tom Dimitroff is supplying to the Corning Radisson as part of their redecoration. The first photo was a timeline. However, it was difficult to read on the computer. Therefore, we’re putting this Carder timeline in more readable form.

Timeline – Frederick Carder and Steuben Glass

1863 – Frederick Carder born on September 18, in England

1878 – Carder begins work at Leys Pottery. Carder visits John Northwood’s Studio- falls in love with glass

1880 –Carder begins glassmaking career at Stevens & Williams

1887 – Carder marries Annie Walker

1888 –Carder wins silver medal in national competition of schools of science and art

1889 –Carder wins gold medal in national competition of schools of science and art – Carder’s daughter Gladys born

1890 –Carder wins gold medal for sculpture “The Archer”

1891 –Carder receives art master’s certificate – Carder establishes Wordsley School of Art – Carder’s son Caleb Stanley born

1893 –A bronze by Carder included in exhibition at Royal Academy of Arts – Carder’s son Cyril born

1899 –Carder’s son Stanley dies

1902 –Carder’s fact-finding tour of Germany and Austria- Carder’s friend John Northwood dies

1903 –Carder’s fact-finding tour of USA – Carder and T.G. Hawkes establish Steuben Glass Works in Corning, New York

1904 –Carder develops Gold Aurene

1905 –Carder develops Blue Aurene

1906 –Carder develops Verre de Soie – Salesman Charlie Potter starts work at Steuben and will become “Calcite Charlie”

1907 –Carder develops decorated aurenes

1912 –Building expansion at Steuben Glass Works

1913 –Tiffany lawsuit

1915 –Carder develops Calcite and Cintra

1916 –Carder develops Mandarin Yellow

1918 –Carder’s son Cyril dies fighting in France – Steuben Glass Works becomes a division of the Corning Glass Works

1919 –Carder named Art Director of Steuben – Carder goes on European trip

1910 –Carder resumes direction of Steuben

1921 –Carder founds Rotary Club in Corning

1925 –Carder visits exposition in Paris as a member of the Hoover Commission

1929 –Carder develops Intarsia

1930 –Carder develops Wisteria

1931 –Carder Memorial Window for World War I installed at Corning Library (Pine Street)

1932 –Carder moved to Art Director of Corning Glass Works and loses control of Steuben – Sullivan encourages Carder to pursue development of cire perdue experiments

1933 –Carder supervises creation of RCA Building panels

1943 –Carder’s wife Annie dies

1944 –Carder moves his office back to old Steuben Plant

1945 –Approximately when Carder began experimenting with Diatretas

1959 –Carder retires

1962 –Carder receives honorary doctorate from Alfred University

1963 –Carder dies on December 10

1969 –Carder’s daughter Gladys dies


Any opinions expressed by participants to the Gazette e-mail newsletters are the opinions of the authors and are not endorsed by or the opinions of the Carder Steuben Club.

2012 Carder Steuben Club annual Symposium will be held at The Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, NY from September 20-22, 2012.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.