The Rotary Gallery At The Rockwell -pre2000 continued and Rockwell Store Reflections

Nov 14, 2019
Issue 3315

Good morning Alan,

We all realize that as we get older we tend to have times when the old memory seems to fail us; like remembering the name of a person or place. I must say your recent stroll through the Rotary Gallery full of Carder glass restored the memory of when I first saw the Rockwell Collection on the third floor of the department store. I got off the elevator and was greeted by a friendly smile and a warm hand shake/introduction from Bobby Rockwell; and cases full of breath taking glass that I had only seen in Paul’s book. I was mesmerized and spent the next three or so hours feeling very privileged.

As a young Grad. student, my Professor H.K. Littleton had told me all about the store, but words just couldn’t do it justice. Little did I know at the time that Bob Sr.s collecting, and Bobby’s friendship would help shape my life.
Glass in the hands of talented people is and amazing material!

Wishing all a joyous Holiday Season!


David P. Donaldson, MFA

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.