Nov 14, 2019
Issue 3315
Good morning Alan,
We all realize that as we get older we tend to have times when the old memory seems to fail us; like remembering the name of a person or place. I must say your recent stroll through the Rotary Gallery full of Carder glass restored the memory of when I first saw the Rockwell Collection on the third floor of the department store. I got off the elevator and was greeted by a friendly smile and a warm hand shake/introduction from Bobby Rockwell; and cases full of breath taking glass that I had only seen in Paul’s book. I was mesmerized and spent the next three or so hours feeling very privileged.
As a young Grad. student, my Professor H.K. Littleton had told me all about the store, but words just couldn’t do it justice. Little did I know at the time that Bob Sr.s collecting, and Bobby’s friendship would help shape my life.
Glass in the hands of talented people is and amazing material!
Wishing all a joyous Holiday Season!
David P. Donaldson, MFA