the Many Hidden Treasures of Frederick Carder

Nov 15, 2018
Issue 3082

Colorless lead glass; cast. Two birds modeled in high relief perched on branches; satin finish over all; signed: “F. Carder 1944”.

collection of Corning Museum of Glass, gift of Corning Glass Works

Artistic Interpretation

Interpretation from CMoG’s collection, shown yesterday

“Colorless glass, cire perdue, woman standing facing left, hands clasped, acid etched surface.”
Aaron Weber sees it as “Closer inspection makes this one look mislabeled to me… definitely seems to have distinct male features…”

Similarly, Rande Bly says, “Alan, I know this is just my opinion but…..

I am sorry but that plaque was not of a woman clasping her hands. It is of a man with bushy eyebrows and a beard wearing a robe not a dress and he is praying. Let me put it like this, Carder’s women are very curvy and attractive. The man has no curves. Somebody missed Sunday school that day. It is Jesus praying to the Father.”

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.