“The Man Who Saw”

Jun 16, 2015
Issue 2243

New Merchandise in 1921

abstract from February 17, 1921 issue of The Pottery, Glass & Brass Salesman magazine in section headed, p. 43, “The Man Who Saw”. (Weekly review of displays of new merchandise)

Steuben Glass Works

Two Exquisite New Lines Added to Concern’s Array

For years the Steuben Glass Works, now the Steuben Glass Works Division of the Corning Glass Works, Corning, N.Y., has been noted for beauty, variety and individuality of its products, and each season is no exception. There has just been received at the concern’s local headquarters and showrooms, 501 Fifth Avenue, a most noteworthy array of new articles. Outstanding among these are the “Cintra” and the “Or Verre” lines. In their rich and unusual beauty it is rather difficult to describe either of these productions; nothing like them has ever been produced in glassware. They suggest, rather products of art pottery. The “Cintra” in some of the numbers might be described as almost a powder effect; again, there are others in which the clear crystal is merely reflected with color. The color range includes attractive shades in red, blue and yellow. In many instances these are used in combination. A solid blue band will finish an article in yellow or red. In a few of the items one color will run into another. Thus we will have a blue melting into a green, and so on it goes.

The “Or Verre” has about it a slight suggestion of the beautiful Sung glaze, although in design it is more regular than this high type of pottery product, running rather to line effects which suggest the art nouveau to a degree yet are parallel. Most pleasing color combinations are worked up here. Pink, citron and light blue are among the tones most generally employed.

Shape: 3231

Form: Candlestick

Color: Green Cintra

Type: Cintra

Decoration: Shading, Blue Cintra

2nd Decoration: Lip Wrap, Black Cintra

3rd Decoration: Rim of Foot, Black Cintra

Size: 10 in high

Shape: 3221

Form: Bowl

Color: Blue Cintra

Type: Cintra

Decoration: Leaf, Black Cintra

2nd Decoration: Rim, Amber Cintra

Size: 4.5 in high

Shape: 3208

Form: Bowl

Color: Red Cintra

Type: Cintra

Decoration: Rim, Green Cintra

Size: 3 in high

Shape: 3218

Form: Vase

Color: Green Cintra

Type: Cintra-Or Verre

Decoration: Lip Wrap, Rose Cintra

2nd Decoration: Lines, Rose Cintra

Size: 10 in high

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.