Jul 28, 2009
Issue 636
As reported in recent Gazettes we are inviting all attendees at the annual Symposium, Oct 1-3, to either bring their one favorite piece–if you could keep only one of your Carder Steuben pieces of glass, or a jpeg picture of their favorite piece. Wow! What a fascinating assemblage that promises to be. (How the heck will you pick your favorite piece?) The best of the best. What a fabulous exhibit. Mark Chamovitz who is presiding over this part of the program has checked with the AV department at CMoG and he reports:[Those who chose] to bring a picture of their favorite piece that they would keep, here is what they need to know. I was in contact with the AV dept at CMoG, and they said that a digital image in a jpeg format would be the best to bring with them if they don’t physically want to bring their piece with them. They (AV Dept) can assemble a power point presentation with the images, and that would workout very well.
Any questions or need to work out coordination. Feel free to contact Mark at MChamovitz@PITAIRPORT.com