Symposium Materials

Jul 22, 2011
Issue 1243

Friday, July 22, 2011

2011 Carder Steuben Club

Eleventh Annual Symposium

The Glass of Frederick Carder

September 15 – 17, 2011

Co-hosted by The Corning Museum of Glass

Thursday, September 15

Pre-Program Events

1:00 p.m. – Rakow Research Library Open House and Volunteer Session

4:00 p.m. Last year’s session was so successful that we decided to repeat it this year. Stop by the Rakow Research Library anytime between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. and meet the staff, view the collection or even pursue a small personal research interest with the help of one of the Reference Librarians.

Visit the Library’s Seminar Room and participate in a volunteer project related to the Frederick Carder Archives. The Rakow Library Staff has assembled a series of small projects that, under their supervision, can be accomplished in a short period of time by volunteers. Whether you have 30 minutes or several hours, join your fellow Carder Steuben enthusiasts to help the Rakow Library manage the collection of original materials left to the Library by Frederick Carder. No experience or special skills necessary!

Tour Opportunity – During the Volunteer Session, the Library staff will conduct a special tour for us of the new shelving and closed storage section of the Library that is not open to the general public. We will be able to see the results of a more than nine month construction project that greatly upgraded and expanded the storage capacity of the Library. We will also see how the Library stores and preserves its vast collection and perhaps even get a look at materials that are available but don’t circulate.

The Library is located on the Museum’s campus west of (behind) B Building and the Carder Gallery. Upon leaving the Auditorium of the Museum follow Museum Way west (or the sidewalk parallel to the street) to the Library’s parking lot and enter the building from the west entrance at the far end. See the included map for directions.

5:00 p.m. – Glass Show and Buffet Dinner

7:30 p.m. Ballroom – Radisson Hotel

We’ve assembled our second small glass show (and added a buffet dinner) as part of the Carder Steuben Symposium. Come to the Radisson Hotel’s Ballroom (a room three times larger than the Carder Room we used last year), enjoy a light buffet dinner (there is a $10.00/person additional charge for the buffet dinner payable in advance with your Symposium registration), purchase a glass of wine, beer or soda from the cash bar, and shop for new additions to your collection. If you aren’t in the buying mood, then just enjoy the buffet dinner and socialize with other registrants for the Symposium. We will have tables and chairs set aside just for eating and talking. When you are done shopping the show, eating dinner and socializing, you may want to walk over to Market Street and visit the merchants there. Many of them will be open until 8:00 p.m.

Friday, September 16

All activities take place in The Corning Museum of Glass Auditorium unless otherwise noted. Note different locations for Saturday lunch and three Saturday afternoon sessions.

8:30 a.m. – Registration and Fellowship

9:00 a.m. Coffee and Assorted Bakery

9:00 a.m. – Welcome and Opening Comments

9:15 a.m. David Goldstein – President, Carder Steuben Club

9:15 a.m. – Glass – Miracle Born of Fire

10:15 a.m. Frank and Elizabeth Creech

Brevard, North Carolina

Frank and Elizabeth will explore the miraculous substance that consumed Frederick Carder for 80 years of his life. They will address the scope and versatility of glass, focusing on techniques employed by Mr. Carder, consider some of the sources of his inspiration, and review creations of other glassmaking giants.

10:30 a.m. – Carder On Display

11:45 a.m. Gail Bardhan

Research and Reference Librarian

Rakow Research Library

From 1906 to the 1930s, Carder Steuben glass was promoted in a variety of ways. Gail has collected many examples including glass trade journal paragraphs and ads, general interest periodical advertisements, photographs of displays in retail establishments and galleries, and images of exhibitions in New York City and other major American cities. She will also describe some of the many museums that have selected Carder Steuben glass to be part of their collections and special exhibits since 1932.

More Fragile Than Glass: Preserving Digital Materials

Megan McGovern

Digital Asset Specialist

Rakow Research Library

Do you have a computer filled with digital photographs, spreadsheets, documents, e-mail and video and no clear plan for storing these for the long-term? Almost everyone today has a digital camera and multiple memory cards filled with pictures of children, grandchildren (and Carder glass). Did you know that CDs and DVDs are expected to be dead technology in fewer than 10 years? Computer files are actually more fragile and require more work to preserve than physical items like print photographs and paper art. Megan will describe the risks related to storing digital files and describe some basic preservation strategies to help keep your digital materials safe.

The Huffman Notebooks

Regan Brumagen

Outreach and Education Reference Librarian

Rakow Research Library

This past year the Rakow Research Library received the daybooks kept by Harry Huffman during his employment at Steuben from his granddaughter. These daybooks were used by Mr. Huffman during the 1920s and early 1930s to, among other things, record his work, describe the moulds he used and identify pieces he produced. Regan will describe these notebooks and their contents and show some of the images they contain. The notebooks will be available for review during the Rakow Volunteer Session on Thursday afternoon. Click Research, then Rakow Research Library

11:45 a.m. – Annual Business Meeting

12:30 p.m. (Members Only)

12:30 p.m. – Lunch

1:15 p.m.

1:15 p.m. – Mt. Washington and Pairpoint Exhibition Tour

2:15 p.m. Jane Spillman

Curator of American Glass, Corning Museum of Glass

Jane Spillman will lead us on a gallery tour of the Mt. Washington and Pairpoint Exhibition. Meet at the foot of the escalator in front of the Auditorium.

2:30 p.m. – The Return of Color to Steuben

3:30 p.m. Robert Nachman

Vice President – Product Design and Marketing

Steuben Glass LLC

Robert will describe the recent launch of Steuben’s Luminescence Collection, the first use of color by Steuben in over 75 years. He will outline Steuben’s reasoning for launching a color collection, why it choose the palette it did and look at what other crystal companies are doing with color at the moment.

3:45 p.m. – Paperweights 101 – From Venice to Corning

4:45 p.m. Gay LeCleire Taylor

Art Glass Consultant and Lecturer

Former Curator, Museum of American Glass

Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center, Millville, New Jersey

Beginning with the first written reference to paperweights having been made in Venice in 1845, Gay will cover the early beginnings of this glass form in France, Europe and England and will continue this history with the first production paperweights produced in the United States about 1852 to be sold in stationery stores and gift shops. The American “folk art” paperweights created by glass workers on their own time in Millville, New Jersey in the 1880s and later in the glass factories of the Midwest as well as paperweights attributed to workers in Corning will also be discussed.

Dinner On your own.

8:00 p.m. – Glass Gazing

9:00 p.m. Carder Display Windows – 29-45 West Market Street

Last year’s impromptu gathering was so successful that we decided to formalize it this year. Please join us in front of the Carder Display Windows on Market Street (northwest corner of Walnut and Market Streets) to view and talk about the glass on display.

Saturday, September 17

8:45 a.m. – Registration

9:00 a.m. Coffee and Assorted Bakery

9:00 a.m. – The Steuben Colognes of Frederick Carder

10:00 a.m. Bonnie Salzman

Richmond, Virginia

As a founder and driving force behind Steuben Glass Works, Frederick Carder unleashed his considerable artistic and design talents in glass on the world for nearly 30 years. Carder created hundreds of colognes, perfume bottles, cosmetic jars, puff boxes and other vanity and toilet items, primarily for the lady of the house. Bonnie will show some 80 colognes and related items in the context of history, as well as discuss glass techniques, color and design.

10:15 a.m. – Little Wheels: The Art of Copper Wheel Engraving

11:30 a.m. Mike Manginella

San Diego, California

Mike will present an overview of how engraving is practiced on glass. He will begin with a short history of engraving, followed by a description of the tools and types of copper wheels used, the pattern each wheel creates on glass and how these patterns combine to form realistic images. He will then show works of increasing complexity illustrating differing skill levels and relative value.

11:30 a.m. – Frederick Carder’s Steuben Glass – The Venetian Influence

12:30 p.m. Thomas Dimitroff

Thomas Dimitroff Antiques

Corning, New York

Author, Frederick Carder and Steuben Glass

Frederick Carder drew inspiration from many sources and was equally influenced by artistic trends and consumer tastes. Tom will describe the Venetian style and its place in history, its influence on Carder’s designs, and show examples of the Venetian influence in Carder glass.

12:30 p.m. – Lunch – Held in the GlassMarket Cafe

1:15 p.m.

These 3 Saturday afternoon sessions will be held in the Magic of Glass Theater

1:15 p.m. – A Conversation with Max Erlacher

2:15 p.m. Tom and Peetie Dimitroff, Hosts

Master glass engraver Max Erlacher is one of the world’s pre-eminent glass engravers. Tom and Peetie will “interview” Max about his career, training, techniques, designs and special projects.

2:30 p.m. – Collector’s Choice Presentation – Shades and Lamps

3:30 p.m. Howard and Eileen Kwan

Toronto, Ontario

Howard and Eileen will show us their extensive collection of Steuben shades and lamps as well as lighting objects by manufacturers other than Steuben.

3:45 p.m. – Frederick Carder “Smalls”

4:30 p.m. Group Collectors’ Choice Presentation

Bring your favorite Carder Steuben “small” (or a photograph) to the Symposium and share with us why the color, shape, pattern, acquisition story or sentimental value is so special to you. What’s a “small?” Let’s define it as anything less than 6 inches high or wide. Look in your collection and find a perfume, whimsey, salt, cordial, paperweight, vase or any other item that fits the dimensional criteria and bring it with you.

Saturday Evening

Carder Steuben Club Banquet

Riverfront Café in the Corning Incorporated Headquarters Building

Host – David Goldstein

(Semi-formal attire)

6:00 p.m. Cash Bar

6:40 p.m. Toast to Frederick Carder – David Goldstein

6:45 p.m. Dinner

8:00 p.m. Fundraising Auction

Marshall Ketchum – Chairperson

Michael Horton – Auctioneer

Members and friends of the Carder Steuben Club contribute Carder Steuben glass, glass of other manufacturers or glass related items to be auctioned at the banquet to raise funds for the Club. Contributions may be made as donations, in which case all proceeds are received by the Club, or the donor may split the proceeds 80/20 with the Club. Only checks or cash will be accepted as payment for auction items – no credit cards please.

The recording of lectures is not permitted. Lectures are copyrighted by the speakers and may not be used without permission. Flash photography also is prohibited.

Attendance at Symposium sessions including the Saturday banquet and auction is limited to Symposium and dinner registrants and invited guests of the club.

Attendance at the glass show is limited to Symposium registrants, members of the club and invited guests of the club.

Attendance at the Annual Business Meeting is limited to members in good standing of the club.

# # # #

Hotel Accommodations

A block of rooms at reduced rates has been reserved at the Radisson Hotel Corning (607) 962-5000 (through 8/23) and the Comfort Inn (607) 962-1515 (through 9/1). To receive the discounted rate, please indicate that you are participating in the Carder Steuben Club Symposium when you register. Also, reservations may be made at Hillcrest Manor Bed & Breakfast (607) 936-4548 or the Rosewood Inn (607) 962-3253. Rooms and the discounted rates will not be available after August 23 at the Radisson Hotel or after September 1 at the Comfort Inn. Please make your reservations early to insure a room. In addition to the airport at Elmira/Corning, you may also consider flying into Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse or Binghamton.


Detailed schedule and registration sheet also available at

Complete and mail this sheet with payment to:

Carder Steuben Club

c/o Lon Knickerbocker, Treasurer

P.O. Box 543

Dansville, New York 14437

Please return registration by September 2, 2011





____ Carder Steuben Club Member @$190* $______ After 9/2/11 @$205 $______

____ First Time Attendee @$165 $______ After 9/2/11 @$180 $______

____ Non-Member @ $240* $______

____ Saturday Banquet Guest @ $60 $______

____ Thursday Glass Show Buffet

Dinner @$10 $______

Total Enclosed $______

(Checks only – payable to Carder Steuben Club)

*Membership application and information can be found at

____ I plan to participate in the Rakow Volunteer Session on Thursday afternoon, September 16. (This is an expression of interest only, not a firm commitment. It will be used for planning purposes by the Rakow Library Staff.)



Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.