Symposium Deadlines Are Creeping Up

Sep 17, 2018
Issue 3039

Registration is due by October 1.

Make your arrangements to come to Symposium TODAY!

You won’t want to miss it!

Club Auction

Today marks two weeks from the Symposium registration and auction submittal deadline.

I am asking that you kindly have your donations or consignments submitted to me for our Saturday night dinner auction by the October 1st deadline. I’m looking forward to seeing you all at this years Symposium.

Mark Chamovitz

Correspondence On Architectural Art Glass

Many years ago there was a beautiful Art Deco building ( U S Robitics ) occupied in Skokie Il. on McCormick Blvd. It was full of beautiful art glass fixures, even the elevator doors were beautiful.

When they moved out in a buyout it was torn down for a business complex.

Years ago I have contacted the Village to find out what happened to the interior only to learn nothing to their knowledge was saved by the developers was; nothing in their historical society either. I hope it was saved to an architectural resale company as is usually the case.

John Styler

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.