May 4, 2009
Issue 556

In an earlier Gazette the question was how to do research on the Studio Glass Movement and the role Mr. Carder may have played to influence Harvey Littleton, who is largely credited for the movement. David Donaldson of David Donaldson Antiques of Orlando, Florida who will be a presenter at this coming year’s Carder Steuben Club Symposium (Oct. 1-3) gives this background information on Harvey Littleton.

Hello Folks,

I, like my Professor/Mentor HK Littleton, and under his guidance, started in Epone’ outside Paris at the studio and house/attic of Jean Sala. There was some amazing glass there….sadly falling apart due to the batch formulas. Harvey always told me that visiting Sala as he did solidified his belief that an individual could produce glass as Art on a small scale with a “hundred pound day tank”. With this said, what about the man in front of his little furnace or whatever making core-formed vessels? —- or the man who made the 5th century murrine Islamic bowls or ?? Where does the word “Art” and Glass connect to become more than Art Glass. What about a large number of individual lamp worked pieces assembled into a chandelier, when if mounted on a stand it will be accepted as a work of sculptural Glass Art. Keep in mind that it took the Met. Museum to finally acquire a work by Harvey from the Heller Gallery before the art world finally woke up and smelled the coffee. The Corning Museum already had Harvey’s glass in their collection. A very interesting subject indeed and certainly wide open to many viewpoints on other artists which I hope will be posted or discussed over pizza this fall.

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.