Share The Word

Jun 21, 2018
Issue 2979

Alan – This is club brochure is great !! I believe that we should send 5 Membership Brochures to each Member who are NOT dealers, but collectors&.ask each collector who sells a Carder Steuben piece over Ebay to enclose one copy in the packed piece sold !! A perfect way to reach out to buyers who might be new to Carder Steuben&..Spread them to NEW people&&

Willson Craigie

To get brochure copies write to Bonnie Salzman at

Start Thinking About ….

Hello fellow Carder Steuben Club Members,

I hope that you too are starting to plan for an excursion to Corning from October 11th thru the 13th for our annual Symposium. This year promises to be as informative and exciting as years past, with knowledge to be gleaned and continued friendships to be fostered.

It’s time to start thinking about possibly contributing a piece(s) for our annual dinner auction on Saturday night. You may either consign or donate an item(s.) In the coming weeks you will see more information pertaining to the dinner auction, however I wanted to get your thoughts geared toward thinking about this very important aspect of maintaining the sustainability of our beloved Carder Steuben Club. The auction is a fundraiser for the club, and as always, every penny counts, so please start giving your consideration to placing something in our auction. I will send out future reminders in the months to come.

if you have any items to either consign or donate, or have any questions regarding the auction, either email me at or call me at 412-716-8074.

Thank you in advance for your consideration,

Mark Chamovitz/Auction Chair

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.