Rose du Barry

Nov 15, 2016
Issue 2597

Mystery Solved

from David Chadwick-Brown

The #6590 bottle in Rose DuBarry(right side) – inexplicably one of the few items made in that color – was deemed worthy of inclusion in the website, but the companion bottle in light blue jade was, apparently seen as unworthy, if not spurious, and never put on the website…!

The green goblet was purchased as ‘teal green,’ and only many years later was it determined that it is ‘special green’ instead.

The yellow bulb of a sock darner, which I had hoped might be Mandarin Yellow, having come from a home in Corning, was, alas, shown by Greg Merkel not to be Mandarin. The quest continues…! (The sock darner, along with several others, have been consigned to my box of ‘mistakes!’)

The Intarsia bowl is pictured in Gardner, page 73 #114, as ‘Present whereabouts unknown.’ Consider that mystery solved.

RougeFlambé vase partially visible in the shelf below.

The green thistle bowl (extreme left) is pictured in Dimitroff, page 257, with notation: ‘No shape number assigned (never went into production), “Thistle” pattern Cased, cut lead glass’

Somewhat Different Shape But Similar Green Thistle Vase

Shape #3398

From Janet Ziffer, the Carder Steuben Club Secretary

We will shortly be mailing out 2017 renewal envelopes for our members. We would love to save a tree and mailing costs to the Club by having as many members as possible go to the website and process their renewals before the envelopes are generated. This is easy to do by clicking on the link at the end of every Gazette. The link allows for electronic payments as well as instructions for mailing checks. Thank you in advance for each household who makes this process easier and faster this year.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.