Aug 8, 2016
Issue 2527
September 15-17 in Corning, NY
For the program click here
For Registration form click here
For Symposium Auction click here
For Accommodations click here
Symposium Notes
In 2015, Kirsty Buchanan became Curator of Collections at The Rockwell Museum. This year, she helps the Museum celebrate its 40th Anniversary! The Rockwell has been eagerly reinstalling every gallery, creating a new visitor check-in area, revitalizing the museum store and celebrating with exciting new exhibitions and events. Kirsty has curated the collective reinterpretation of the permanent galleries, and has assisted the Museum with obtaining a coveted Smithsonian Affiliation. Kirsty will trace the roots of the Museum, which started with a gift from Bob and Hertha Rockwell, to the present with “The Rockwell Museum: Treasures of the American Experience” at the Carder Steuben Symposium, September 17 – 19.
Use Gut Instinct
from Beth Shaut
I have a story to tell about a Rouge Flambé piece that is now in the collection. Early on in my experiences for Mr. Rockwell, he sent me out to Early’s Auction in Ohio. They had a Rouge Flambé Vase in I think shape 6501, and I didn’t have a lot of experience in that except a plate we had here. I remember Tom Dimitroff saying at a lecture in an opening, he said that pieces talk to you at times.
Well I looked the vase over and it talked to me saying, ‘ take me home. I’m what you think I am’.(I thought Tom was exaggerating about pieces talking until that piece talked to me. Now I”m a100% believer.)
Well there was an old time dealer there and she said if that’s Rouge Flambé I’ll eat my hat, but I didn’t let that detour me. Well I bid on it for the collection as they are few and far between. We got it for half of what I was able to bid which was great as so many were not sure of it.
When I got back to Corning Bobby Rockwell asked if I got it and I said yes. He had me contact him as soon as it came in. He said I did good as it was real and was going to take it to the museum but I said no that his dad, Bob Rockwell, had to see it first. It is one of my treasured memories of the unusual. You never know what you will find out there
Beth thinks this piece from the CMoG collection might be the piece.
Seeking Auction Items
Attention all members of the Carder Steuben Club! Seeking items (Steuben/Corning related)for our annual fundraiser auction at our banquet dinner on Saturday, September 17th, 2016. Consign, donate or consign with a reserve!
These funds help subsidize our expenses for our symposium and other expenses throughout the year. We all have items we would like to turn into cash or donate with 100% going to the club. It’s a win-win for you and for the club.
You can sell an item that does not work in your collection with a reserve that protects you against loss. As Michael Krumme stated we all have something on the bottom shelf that could be sold for funds to buy something you do want!
Our auction is the highlight of the symposium………lots of fun and a chance to get a bargain! Contact Mark Chamovitz (PA) or Mike Moline (MA) to consign. 412-716-8074 or 413-391-6845. Mike Moline, Springfield, Ma.