Jun 27, 2016
Issue 2498
We’re Almost There
Alan –
I was posting Gazettes to the web site this morning and I realized that you will reach Gazette issue 2,500 on June 29 if I counted correctly. That’s quite a milestone.
Congratulations and thank you. You have done a tremendous job as editor and I am sure that several hundred recipients of the Gazette each day are appreciative of your work even if they don’t say it.
Scott Hansen, President of CSC
Another Place Where Carder Steuben Can Be Found
Hi Alan,
Mary and I were in Richmond VA last week to visit daughter Kate, who is now a Captain in the US Army. While there we visited the quite magnificent Richmond Art Museum. When we saw these Carder Steuben pieces, I took photos for you.
In the one photo the Carder Steuben piece is the large green piece at the top. Label photo was separate. Both are beautiful works.
David Bower