Jun 28, 2016
Issue 2499
A Compilation of Some Shelves
Picture and comments from David Chadwick-Brown
The #6030 VDS vase came from a wonderful collector and collection in Chicago. He specialized in that number, and must have had thirty of them. (Having seen his collection, I took down a list of all his shapes and colors, and when I found something not on the list, would give him a call to add to his collection.) His reason for that specialty was that, he estimated, it came in the greatest variety of colors, designs, and applications – quilted, drape, swirl, plain, prunts, reeding, matte, jade, etc
Another Place Where Carder Steuben Can Be Found
Thanks for the mention of the Steuben in Richmond. Those looking for the web site should look for the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts or VMFA! I believe these pieces are in a section listed as Art Deco.
Congratulations for Captain Kate.
Deanna Gordon