Responses Triggered By Last Week’s New York times Article on Tiffany Pastel

May 16, 2018
Issue 2956

Several years ago, I read a wonderful book about the women behind the Tiffany glass operation called Clara and Mr. Tiffany: A Novel. It’s about about Clara Driscoll, who was the chief designer of the Tiffany lamps and some of his stained glass. A really good read and fascinating that a woman during that time period who had a career. Amazon sells it or check with your local library.

Susan Olpe

See also


I wanted you to see the scale of the cover page of the Design section with Gordon Hancock’s article. That photo alone is 15 inches tall. Sometimes print does outperform digital. A phone, tablet or computer screen just doesn’t capture it.

Scott Hansen

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
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