
Jun 25, 2015
Issue 2250

Damaged Goods

Stained Glass

from Rande Bly of Birmingham, AL

Lisa Ackerman, of Orange, CA,

Do you suppose someone in the stained glass windows field could use it?


from Joann Tortarollo of Highland, CA

Heisey Collectors of America are repurposing broken/damaged pieces of Heisey glass by remelting the glass and forming them into beads for jewelry. It has turned out to be a profitable endeavor for the national club and keeps the memory of the Heisey glass if not the actual piece. It is now the “thing to do” for Heisey collectors to wear their beads!


from Carol Ketchum Gunn of Genoa, NY

Re: Lisa’s damaged piece, how about having someone make 3 scallops along the edge?

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.