Report from the Symposium – Fireside Chat

Oct 31, 2018
Issue 3071

by Bonnie Salzman

The highlight of the Symposium this year was a talk with guests Charles Lotton and Max Erlacher. Family members David and Kimberly Lotton, and grandson Robert Lagestee were also in attendance. Hosted by Tom Dimitroff, pictures of Charles and Max and their respective families were shared.

Charles revealed that he had been a successful hair stylist for 13 years before learning to blow glass in his backyard. What is the key to the Lotton success? Charles said, “I love making glass.”

Max also shared his beginnings as an engraver in Austria and his many years at Steuben.

Charles shared pictures of him and his grandson Robert making a glass vase, then sending it to Max to engrave. The finished piece was shown to attendees.

What a special treat to hear these two accomplished men share their stories and their long-time affiliation with each other.


It Only Costs $35 to Support CSC

We will shortly be mailing out the 2018 renewal envelopes for our members. We would love to save a tree and mailing costs to the club by having as many members as possible go to the website and process their renewals electronically. This is easy to do by clicking on the membership link at the end of any Gazette. If you prefer to send a check and save the Club PayPal fees, please feel free to mail your check ($35 for one person, $55 for two person household) to:

Bill Mehlenbacher

63259 State Route 415

Cohocton, NY 14826

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.