Q & A

Jan 14, 2013
Issue 1650

Today from Web Master, Marshall Ketchum

Verre de Soie with Handles


Steuben shape 765 is not seen very often. It was made in Aurene or Green or Flint (colorless). This one is shown in Verre de Soie. The original price in Aurene was $7.50 each and $1.00 each in Green or Flint.

Q & A

Bob Mueller of Minneapolis asks why in this new format we no longer have the Q & A that he enjoyed. Editor answer is nothing has changed in that regard. However, to have a Q & A a subscriber to this newsletter must first ask a question and then someone else has to respond with an answer. Bob, yes, lately there has been less of that. However, this is a reminder to ask or answer or respond to these newsletters.

Photography Q & A

Joann Tortarollo sent us a picture of a piece of glass at the Redlands Historical Museum. She apologized for the limitations of the picture and explained how the photography was done. Two subscribers to the newsletter responded with photography advice.


First, Harry Morgan of Beverly, Massachusetts says:

Hints for Joan Tortoralo regarding photography problems. Your use of gray paper is a good idea, however the light may be causing some of your problem. If the cases are lit by fluorescent bulbs, and your camera is set for daylight or incandescent light, the color will be way off. The bluish green cast in the photo indicates this may be the issue. There are 3 solutions to this:

Change the setting on your camera to fluorescent (if this is possible). If you are using your phone I do not think you can change it, but most point and shoots you can.

Buy a pair of photo floods and tripods to hold them. Turn off the case lights and just use the floods. You can control the lighting better to eliminate glare, shadows etc. and they are color balanced to match your camera better.

After photographing use a photo editing program such as Adobe Photoshop or Photo Elements on your computer. These all have color correction tools (including an auto correct that usually works pretty well) that are pretty easy to use. In these programs you can also easily crop out background, lighten, darken, etc.

These are all just basic suggestions, because I am just guessing at your situation. Photographing glass is always tricky business, but with the tools available today and some practice you should be able to get some good shots. Please feel free to email me directly if I can be of any help regarding photography.




Charles Sweigart of Reinholds, Pennsylvania suggests:

Color representation would be better with white papers behind instead of gray. Please indicate if edges are actually blue as the image provided appears more green.

Also were the lights in the case florescent? Were the room lights fluorescent, incandescent, halogen, or mercury vapor? Each type will affect camera color but not the human eye.

Thank you.

Membership Application

YES, I (we) would like to join the Carder Steuben Club. Enclosed is payment for annual dues. Dues are $35 per person or $55 per couple including spouses or significant others. Enrollment period runs January 1 to December 31 each year.





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Mail your application and payment to:

Carder Steuben Club

60 E Market Street PMB#204

Corning, NY 14830

Carder Steuben Club | ashovers@kddk.com | http://www.cardersteubenclub.org/

Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Any opinions expressed by participants to the Gazette e-mail newsletters are the opinions of the authors and are not endorsed by or the opinions of the Carder Steuben Club.

2013 Carder Steuben Club annual Symposium will be held at The Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, NY from September 19-21, 2013. The festivities will begin with Frederick Carder’s 150th birthday celebration on the evening of September 18, 2013.

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.