May 9, 2017
from Margaret Malloy
I use a pristine white linen tablecloth draped from a dresser mirror as a backdrop if I’m photographing a number of things but when I don’t have the time or inclination to do all the set up and when close on color is good enough, this is what I do.
This was taken with my phone. I usually crop out the tell-tale edges of the image.
On my monitor the amber loses some of its golden tone and the blue is more of a peacock (Celeste?) than it looks here. But those are issues I have with my tablecloth backdrop, good quality cameras and just about every kind of lighting I can think of as well.
This also has acted as a prod to share this pitcher which I believe is # 6008 but I would appreciate someone saying yea or nay because I don’t have a lot of confidence in my C-S ID skills.
The amber matches an amber 5194 compote I have.
It is unsigned and the bottom is ground flat and highly polished.
8 1/2″ tall
5 1/2″ across
Thank you
Shape: 5194
Form: Compote
Color: Amber
Type: Transparent
Decoration: Optic Ribs, Amber