Passing On Knowledge

Mar 1, 2017
Issue 2659

Writing Books

On the subject of writing books, you really have to have a dedicated collector that has the time to write a book. We have been asked by a couple of major collectors to either help or actually pen their books (If you have ever read Jamie’s descriptions on eBay you understand why) but NO ONE wants to pay what a professional’s time is worth. It is a sad fact but very true. And writing books is a losing situation for most authors. I consider many of the high end antique authors friends of ours and to a person, each says you do it for love not the money.

Here is another fact about books, most of the books that have been written on Tiffany, Steuben etc., are not “E books” which is what our world today needs to get the younger collector’s involved.

Sorry for any errors in spelling, grammar etc., I have a four month old on my lap lol!

Gwen Stebbins

Q and A

Michael Krumme asks:

Hi David Donaldson, can members “request” information about something in one of your photos? In the fourth photo down, to the left of a very tall piece (I’m assuming it’s a metal stem, but maybe not!), there is a vase that looks like it might be plum jade. What is that?

David Donaldson Answers

Good morning Michael,

The piece you reference is actually a French Art Nouveau ceramic vase by “Pierrefonds” which opened it’s doors in 1895 and continued into the Art Deco period. It has a very unusual light and dark rose glaze which flows down the sides. It reminded me of Tiffany Lave glass. I purchased it in a little antique shop in Portsoy, Scotland about 20 years ago.

To answer your question, I am always ready and happy to answer any and all questions.

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Carder Steuben Glass Association
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