Mar 25, 2007
Issue 239
The Carder Steuben Club’s annual Symposium will be held Friday and Saturday September 14 & 15 at CMoG in Corning, NY. This year’s program should be outstanding. Part of the schedule is being organized by Jim Barlow and his programming will be titled SHARED DESIRES; A Unity of Glass and Metal. Our keynote speaker will be Bill Royall on the use of Steuben in Oscar Bach metal work and an overview of Oscar Bach. Thanks to Pat Fulton for a great example and detailed pictures.
On Thursday September 15, in addition to the opening pizza party, a pre Symposium afternoon
event will be the making of paper weights at Rodi Rovner’s Hands on Glass studios.
Mark these dates up on your calendars for what is shaping up to be an outstanding event.
Our best wishes and thoughts go to Dick Bright. Dick fell off a ladder while struggling with glass at his home and B&B in Corning and broke a rib. Dick reports it has been a painful month, but he is recovering and coming along. Our thoughts are with you Dick.