New Orleans Museum

Feb 20, 2009
Issue 475

In earlier e-mails we have proposed the idea of the Club supporting glass exhibits in museums. As a result we have received two discreet interests from museum curators. One from the Newark Museum and another from the New Orleans Museum. Both come about because of participants to this e-mail list. One of those Dr. Isidore Cohn, Jr. of Metaire, LA writes:

In response to your recent note about the Carder Steuben Club plans to ‘spread the word’ about Carder and his work, I replied that I thought the new Orleans Museum of Art would be an ideal place to consider implementing such a plan.

Timing is everything, and it happens the Museum has just opened an exhibit of the Collection of Jack Sawyer, showing about 225 pieces of his over 600-piece collection. There are some Carder items in the show, but Carder clearly was not his major focus of interest. However, the wide range of objects, styles, designers, and periods mark this as a very major addition to a collection that was already impressive.

I am sending you two items from the Museum to give you a better picture of this particular exhibit (go to the following link
) and to whet the appetite of Club members for a visit to New Orleans and to the Museum.

The Club’s directors now have a sharp focus to consider implementing an exhibit project.

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.