My Favorite Steuben Piece

Mar 29, 2016
Issue 2434

Often Our First Piece Is Our Favorite

It is hard for us to pick a favorite, so I am sharing our first pieces. We were attending an American Cut Glass Association convention when we found two #346 vases while out antiquing. We saw these vases and thought that they were graceful and beautiful. We particularly liked the way the alabaster transitioned on the green jade one. This purchase began our journey of diversification in collecting glass.

Shortly thereafter, the Rockwell Museum must have aquired the ACGA members list because we received literature for the Carder Symposium. We decided to attend. We stayed at the Rosewood Inn, which happened to be next door to Tom and Petie Dimitroff’s. We met Mr. Bob Rockwell, Bobby Rockwell, Beth Shaut, Tom Dimitroff and lots of other great people, who shared a passion for glass – we had a wonderful time.

Karen (Club Treasurer) & Cy Beeman, Media, PA

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.