More Red

Sep 14, 2012
Issue 1567

Friday, September 14, 2012

Rande Bly of Birmingham, Alabama continues his discussion of the color “red”.

This glass starts off yellow. With the perfect heat it turns orange. It took a master to get it to the desired red. That is what a cadmium and selenium mix does. The cased pieces will not be as red as the uncased. A lot of the pieces get stuck in the orange stage. On a bad day this glass will lose its translucency and start to go transparent as we saw in the eBay plate and the posy vase. I will show two different vases in the same shape. One stuck in the orange stage and one almost to the perfect red.

Gardner inferred there would be both cased and uncased pieces. I think that Ericson had Cardinal Red right .

Everybody laughed at Ericson for showing Carder made a glass that is Amberina or shaded ruby. He did, and in a week or so I will show everybody that new discovery. Yes Ericson also had that right.

Everyone has been way to hard on Ericson and a little too hard on me also. I promised myself I would not use pictures of glass beads, birds, porcelain, or fish again to prove myself on the subject of Steuben. I changed my mind and will show a bird today. I will restrain from showing the fish. Cardinal Red in nature only shows up in the fish and bird. I have been considering buying a few pieces before I let the cat out of the bag. You all know I am a dealer and a lot of you have gotten some great inexpensive pieces from me. It never has been about the money. It has always been about the mystery and the adventure to me so I will probably let you all know the rest of the story instead.

Have we got Antique Green fixed at the web site yet…oh, another day…

The clue to this glass is that it is translucent. That is how you tell it from 1916 Rouge Flambé.

Rande Bly

#8447 Reddish Orange Translucent

#8447 Trapped in Orange Stage


2012 Carder Steuben Club annual Symposium will be held at The Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, NY from September 20-22, 2012.

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Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.