Jul 27, 2015
Issue 2271
Dimitroff’s Description
Frederick Carder and Steuben Glass by Thomas P. Dimitroff
Verre de Soie, Aquamarine, and Cyprian are often confused with each other. Aquamarine is simple Verre de Soie with a faint greenish tint. Cyprian is Aquamarine with applied Celeste Blue rim and/or ornament. This piece combines many different levels of rarity, including the glass type Cyprian the fact that it is covered, the presence of ring handles and finial, and the fact that these rings are two-color.
Shape: 5051
Form: Covered Vase
Color: Cyprian
Component Colors: Cover: Cyprian
Type: Iridescent
Decoration: Rim, Celeste Blue
Size: 14.75 in high