Modern Piece

Jun 14, 2016
Issue 2489

Good Memories

Good morning Alan! What fun to relive our visit of David Chadwick-Brown’s home
in the Gazette. Each posted picture reminds me of a delightful afternoon that was over
All too quickly. Lisa Ackerman Baldwin

Cigarette Urns

from John Styler:

Oh oh! I see a piece of Modern piece in David Chadwick-Brown’s collection, the Snail.

I got hooked on the little cigarette 2.5″ urns #7734 and bought one on line without reading the details and it turned out to be 2 7/8″ tall and a wider top and fancier handles. Oh well it sits at the center of the row.
Not as exciting as the red one I lost out on at our auction two years ago.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.