Mar 5, 2015
Issue 2171
Removing Sharpie Markings
from David Donaldson of sunny Orlando
Good morning Alan,
I have found that the simplest and quickest method to remove Sharpie marker is as follows:
1. rubber gloves, 2. cotton ball, 3. Zylene ( purchased at the hardware store. A little bit on a cotton ball and it comes right off without any possibility of abrading the surface.
I would be cautious on a painted or enameled surface.
Another Technique Described by Shuman
from The Collector’s Encyclopedia of American Art Glass by John A. Shuman III
p. 30 Matsu-No-Ke – Steuben
Steuben’s Matsu No-Ke is a clear crystal with unusual applied, transparent, colored décor and handles which was patented in 1922. Vases, pitchers, sugars and creamers, and perhaps other shapes were adorned with colored branches and veined oval cactuses. Sometimes the glass is referred to as “Cactus.” Popular colored hues were pink (Rosa), rose, amber, green and blue. This products has not been found signed: variations in the decoration are evidenced by similar etched designs which are termed “Fircone” and “Matzu”.
Celeste Blue
Colorless Quartz
Gold Aurene