In the beginning…

Oct 9, 2012
Issue 1585

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


At the start of our 12th Symposium Vivienne Richards and Mark Ockwell gave me printed copies of the first two issues of the Gazelle Gazette. Marshall Ketchum has scanned these two Gazettes and uploaded them to the website. You can read them by searching the Gazelle Gazette on the website for Volume 1 or Volume 2, respectively. Thank you Vivienne, Mark and Marshall for making these documents available to our members.

Volume 1, which is dated October 1, 2001 has articles about the formation of the Club and our first Symposium, which was held on September 14 & 15, 2001, just days after the horror of 9/11. It provides interesting documentation of the history of our Club. Dick Bright was elected as our first President, Al Bradtke was elected Treasurer and I was elected Vice President. We had 86 members.

Volume 2 Number 1 of the Gazette was dated Winter, 2002 and has articles about our original website which was developed by Jim Barlow. It also discusses our second Symposium which was held in September, 2002.

That was a robust Symposium. It included talks on Steuben colors by Mark Buffa, glass photography by Nick Williams of CMOG. Bob Burnstein brought his entire collection of candlesticks and console sets and Alan Shovers showed slides of his and Susan’s collection of Carder Steuben.

The collection that Bob brought, with subsequent additions, is the very collection that Bob is now donating to the Wichita Art Museum. Stephen Gleissner, Curator of the Wichita museum is an active member of our Club.

I found these two issues of the Gazette quite interesting. For me they were a trip down memory lane, but for our newer members they may provide some background information about the early history of our Club. Most of the members who were active then are still active in the Club, but we have grown from 86 members in 2001 to over 200 members today.

David Goldstein



Some additional pictures from the Carder Steuben collection in Building “B” at CMoG

2012 Carder Steuben Club annual Symposium will be held at The Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, NY from September 20-22, 2012.

Any opinions expressed by participants to the Gazelle Gazette e-mail newsletters are the opinions of the authors and are not endorsed by or the opinions of the Carder Steuben Club.©

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.