Honors at Symposium

Sep 22, 2023
Issue 3686

The Carder Steuben Glass Association business meeting is held every year during the Symposium.  The meeting is a chance to share news about the Association, to vote for board members, and to carry out the administrative tasks of the club.  As part of this meeting, we also thank many of the people who have worked throughout the year to support the Association and further our mission.  This year the Association extended special thanks to Alan Shovers and Scott Hansen for their contributions over many years.

When Alan Shovers became President of what was then called the Carder Steuben Club, he focused on extending reach through communication.  He was the driver behind the “Gazelle Gazette,” creating a frequent communication vehicle and keeping on top of the communications as people turned in questions and comments.  There were several weeks when the conversations came fast and furious, debating the identification of a certain color or whether a particular piece was Steuben.  Many of our members looked forward to receiving the Gazettes.  Alan (together with his wife, Susan) also shared their knowledge and passion for collecting by presenting at the Symposium.

Scott Hansen served as President, Vice President, and Symposium chair, as well as doing research, scanning documents for the Rakow, and fielding website inquiries on color or is a piece Steuben.  We continue to rely on Scott to help us answer new inquiries, leveraging his extensive knowledge about Steuben glass.  Scott has also shared some of his extensive Steuben collection with Symposium attendees with thoroughly researched (and beautiful) presentations.

As a token of appreciation for all of their contributions, the CSGA gave Alan and Scott the gift of an engraved piece Steuben glass.  The Rainbow Crystal was engraved with our organization’s Gazelle emblem and words of appreciation.

Alan and Scott both expressed their surprise and thanks. Alan responded:

“Well I’m a pretty calm person.  But, this honorarium just blew me away with excitement.  I was jumping around with joy.  Quite special, even if it was “new” Steuben.  The transmittal note with the signatures of so many old friends meant a great deal to me.  All, a cause for a reflective afternoon.  Glad to see the Club in such good hands.  For such a special treat of appreciation my many thanks to the Club. — Alan”

Scott similarly responded:

“Surprise doesn’t begin to describe my initial reaction to receiving the engraved Rainbow Crystal gift at the Symposium this year.  Thank you for the expression of appreciation for my efforts through the years.  I am honored to receive such a gift and especially so to be a recipient at the same time as Alan.  The gift currently resides atop a display base on my “glass desk” where I can see it every day.  Thank you again.”

Thank you to Scott and Alan for all that you have done for our organization!


Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.