“Glass-Cleaning tips provided by an expert”

Dec 3, 2006
Issue 212

A feature Article in the December 4, 2006 issue of Antique Magazine p. 23. bears the headline “Glass-Cleaning tips provided by an expert”. The substantial article speaks to the experience of Kim Carlisle of Sheridan, IN in developing a process to clean glass, which he continually improves and innovates. The article reports on his cleaning 800 pieces of glass annually since 1992. The article reports on his process as applied to clean a cloudy American Brilliant Period cut-glass piece, as an example. What appears from the article is a unique complex process that typically takes six to eight weeks. Also, it describes some of the machinery he has invented and uses to revolve the glass and its cleaners on a 24 hour, seven day a week process for the cleaning period. Likewise, a number of tips on the cleaning process.
While I have no experience with this or any glass cleaner, the article is most impressive. If you have a chance get a copy of this week’s Antique Week.
I’ve seen little on cleaning and certainly nothing as sophisticated as the process Kim Carlisle goes through. Perhaps others have experiences on glass cleaners they could share. Kim’s located at R.R. 2, Sheridan IN 46069-9802 (317/758-5767). In doing a search on the web I also found the name of a Steve Hochhalter of Milwaukee, WI,

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