From “The Man Who Saw”

Jun 18, 2015
Issue 2245

Something New in 1927

From “The Man Who Saw” section of the May 19, 1927 edition of The Pottery, Glass & Brass Salesman at p. 63

Corning Glass Works

Beautiful Example of Glass Manufacture Product of Steuben Division

Some really beautiful pieces of fancy glassware that are a noteworthy creation in glass manufacture have recently been produced by the Steuben Glass Works division of the Corning Glass Works, of Corning, N.Y., and now on display at the local showrooms, 501 Fifth Avenue. This array consists in some odd pieces designed primarily as perfume bottles. They are in the massive block effect that was so popular in French glassware employed for this purpose some years ago and are noteworthy for their color and bubble adornment. The outer portion is of clear crystal glass. Then, there is some attractive bubble glass, and inside of this a part flaked with pink and blue.

These glassware items are produced by an interesting process that is quite out of the ordinary. The inner part is first blown-by hand, of course-and while still soft and hot is rolled in a tray of powdered glass, the crystals of which are pink and blue mixed. These naturally adhere to the glass bulb-for such it is-and are fused therein, when, after being rolled, the bulb is inserted in the glory hole. It is then shaped by hand to the form desired, and is next enclosed in the layer of bubbly glass which is put on when it is again warmed and spread over it by the skilled craftsman. This again is encased in the heavy outer portion, put on the hand mold and later cut to give the diamond or block effect referred to. Naturally, the process takes considerable time to complete, but the results more than justify the efforts. The individual pieces are in the final process cut and polished by hand.

Shape: 6686

Form: Cologne

Color: Pink & Blue Cintra

Component Colors: Stopper: Colorless

Type: Moss Agate

Decoration: Cut or Engraved, Colorless

Size: 6.25 in high

Description: The factory records say that this coloration is “Mossagate inside crystal”.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.