Feb 3, 2011
Issue 1082
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Michael Krumme of Los Angeles tells us a lovely story.
I visited the Historical Glass Museum in Redlands several months ago, on the occasion of the anniversary of the museum’s groundbreaking, for which they held a reception. I had heard about the testamentary gift of the Steuben glass collection to the museum, and was eager to see what they received, but imagine my shock when I saw that one of the pieces was Intarsia. Wow! There are some other nice pieces, too, but that was clearly the star.
I became a member of this fledgling organization around 1977, when I was about 15 years old. As a new, young, enthusiastic collector, it sounded like a worthy goal, so I joined. I was so young at the time that I had to make three separate payments to fulfill the $35 membership fee. At that age, I was babysitting and mowing lawns to earn money to buy glass.
Unfortunately, I am one of only a handful of founding members who were either alive or locatable to attend the anniversary event. But I think museum founder Dixie Huckabee would be proud.
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