Follow Up on the Exhibit at the Morris Museum

Sep 14, 2015
Issue 2305

The Morris Museum Glass Exhibit

Alan, I was interested in the posting on the Morris Museum future exhibit and contacted them about remote availability.

John Styler

Prospect Heights, IL

Kate Silverman at the Morris Museum responded.

Dear Mr. Styler,

Thank you for your recent message to the Morris Museum. I understand that you are interested in our upcoming exhibition ‘Clearly Compelling: Glass Art from Tiffany To Chihuly.’

I regret to tell you that it will only be possible to see ‘Clearly Compelling’ in our galleries in Morristown, New Jersey. The show will not have an online component on our website. During the run of the exhibition, however, we will be posting images of some of the works featured in the show on social media. If you are interested, you can follow us on Facebook by clicking on the following link:

I hope this information is useful to you. Thank you for your interest in the Morris Museum.

Best regards,


Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.