Follow-Up on Crizzling

Apr 22, 2019
Issue 3179

1. Hi Alan,

I wanted to let the readers know that the article you posted on crizzling by Susan Arthur can also be found in the quarterly publication from the West Virginia Museum of American Glass, “All About Glass” Vol. XIII No. 1, that was issued in April 2015. I believe that back issues can be ordered through them. You may have to be a museum member but that is a worthwhile expense.

David Kingsley

2.Alan, As a collector of everything, I noticed a number of years ago that some paperweights that I had in a cabinet felt greasy when picked up. After washing them and returning them to the cabinet, eventually the greasy feel returned. Our humidity range would usually be in the range stated in the article and lower in the winter. Some of the other contemporary paperweights i.e.. Kosta/Boda didn’t experience this issue. The greasy ones tended to be the off-shore (Chinese?) ones produced from the 80’s on. We had bought a whack of them in the 80’s on a southern trip to Myrtle Beach (at Waccamaw Pottery, I think). Would they eventually crizzle? Don’t know. All parted with. Great info. Please keep up the fine work. Regards, Jeremy Hayes

3.Thanks to Susan Arthur for sharing this great paper on grizzling, wonderful research.

Janice Boyd

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