Nov 20, 2013
Issue 1865
Dr. Isidore Cohn, Jr. of Metarie, Louisiana wants to know what is happening with the Carder Steuben Club’s expansion of mission to include the post Carder period. This comes up in the context of Monday’s report in the Gazette on expansion of the club’s website to include the transition from pre to the post Carder period. Dr. Cohn asks?
Delighted to see something about “post Carder era” involvement. I thought I had read that the vote was TO INCLUDE those people – of which my wife and I are included – but this is almost the first time anything has appeared.
I hope there will be relatively equivalent attention to this part of Steuben’s history.The Gazette content is dependent upon contribution from those on the mailing list. We have had a few items in the Gazette on post-Carder. However, Dr. Cohn, it requires content from readers on the post-Carder period. So, send in commentary on post or modern Carder Steuben.
Thanks for the information
Editorial Response–
The website has had its first expansion as indicated in Monday’s Gazette. As I best recall, it will require a substantial cost to reconfigure the web site to include post-Carder Steuben. I don’t know where that is timewise, but images of thousands of post Carder Steuben will have to be mechanically placed on the web site. It’s neither cheap nor easy. However, rights to post the proprietary images has been received.
However, it would be helpful if post-Carder Steuben collectors or dealers would volunteer and step forward with this expansion effort. Hopefully, these comments will generate some further comment and any corrections or expanded information on the subject.