Enlarged Mission

May 16, 2019
Issue 1982


The vote to add Post-Carder Steuben (PCS) to the Club’s Mission was the first step toward adding PCS to the database. I am pleased to report that a committee has begun working on the specifications for the PCS database.

The Committee is comprised of MJ Madigan, author of “Steuben Glass – An American Tradition Crystal”, the definitive work on PCS, Tom Dimitroff, principal author of “Frederick Carder and Steuben Glass”, Jane Spillman, retired Curator of American Glass at CMoG, Vivienne Richards, a former Director of the Carder Steuben Club and Chair of its Vetting Committee, and me, a founder and former President of the Club. Scott Hansen, Club President, who asked me to chair the Committee is an ex officio member.

We are beginning by defining the structure for the database, which will determine how users will be able to search for pieces. The structure will be similar to that of the current Shape Gallery, modified to reflect the organization used in the Madigan book and the differences between Carder and PCS. Some elements of the Shape Gallery such as Color and Type may be eliminated, but others like Designer may be added.

If you would like to suggest factors for us to consider in defining the PCS database, please email me at elvidant@aol.com. We welcome your suggestions.

David Goldstein,
Naples, FL

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.