
Mar 29, 2011
Issue 1141

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Frank Ford started a discussion on New Intarsia by asking about his discovery of one.

I am so glad to see the information coming in about New Intarsia. There are now three examples on the Club web site. Dimitroff shows three different ones in his book so now there are at least six shape examples that we know of.

Dick Weerts of Osprey, Florida then stepped forth and using the website discovered a line drawing for a piece of New Intarsia he had, but couldn’t verify by shape. There are 60 Carder shapes that have been discovered that hadn’t been listed in the Gardner book which are now on the website. Dick has now asked Marshall Ketchum, the Club webmaster how he can find those sixty without having to go through the entire site. Marshall responds.

The shapes that are known but are not in Gardner have been published. They are in version 2 of my book and that is where I started when you send me the photo of the 794 and it wasn’t in Gardner. The line in the book says to look in the New Drawing Section and that was where I went. (ed. The Gardner book and the Ketchum book are currently published by Schiffer and easily found on line or popular book stores)

Then Michael Krumme of Los Angeles would like to go back to basics on the differences between New Intarsia, Intarsia and an Intarsia collar. Three quite different and unrelated things.

I have been reading this topic with interest, and wanted to step back for a minute and ask, is the decoration on “new Intarsia” carried out in the same way as the 1920s Intarsia (which I was more familiar with)? My understanding is that on the latter, the colored design is laid out on a marver, and trapped between two layers of very thin clear glass. Is the “new Intarsia” done that same way? I am assuming that the process for the two is similar. If not, then how would “new Intarsia” be different than pieces with an applied surface decoration, e.g., decorated Aurenes, etc.?

Feel free to cite a published reference, as I do have Gardner, Dimitroff, and many other Steuben reference sources… I just don’t have them with me, as this question occurs to me!

Any opinions expressed by participants to the Gazette are the opinions of the authors and are not endorsed by or the opinions of the Carder Steuben Club.

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