Cyprian Candlesticks

Jul 21, 2015
Issue 2267

The Check Is In The Mail

The Carder Steuben Symposium program and registration materials are in the mail! They should arrive in your mailbox this week. Symposium is less than 2 months away. Start making your plans to attend now. We have a great lineup of lectures and presentations that will be sure to educate and even amaze. Come learn something new about what you love to collect, and talk to people who love to collect it too!
Can’t wait for snail mail? Program and registration details can be found at ; right now.

What the Hostess Wants, The Hostess Gets

from Beth Shaut of Corning

Hi Alan,

These candlesticks are Cyprian
as they are aquamarine with Celeste Blue trim. Mr. Rockwell said Mr. Carder told him that when candlesticks were made, they made a dozen to 2 dozen at a time and match them by height because it was more important they were the same height because no hostess wanted two different height candles on the table when entertaining. There hence you will find candlestick may be exact and the last set can vary in height. Also as everything was hand made you would have slight variances in pieces. Most wouldn’t notice any because they were not put on the table next to each other but with a center piece between them. We have a pair of Blue Aurene that are the same height but vary in color or size of foot. I have attached candlesticks with a console bowl

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.