Carder Treasure Hunt in Corning!

Jul 10, 2024
Issue 3715

We are kicking off the Carder Steuben 2024 Symposium with an afternoon Corning tour on Thursday, September 19th.  Meet CSGA member Jenny Monroe at the Carder Arch for a downtown walk-about and then a tour by coach to all the Corning sites related to Frederick Carder.  Highlights will be sites along historic Market Street, the Carder home and gravesite in Hope Cemetery.  Along the way, we’ll explore the historical context of glassmaking coming to Corning from Brooklyn, the Hawkes and Rockwell connections, and Carder’s numerous community contributions still visible in the Crystal City.  The final stop will be at the gray stone Christ Episcopal Church to see where Carder and his family sat each Sunday and looked at the Tiffany windows that vexed him.  The church is at the corner of First and Cedar Streets and was attended by the Carders, the Houghtons and the Rockwells, to name a few of the Steuben glass-related families with connections there.  

The historical tour will end with a welcome reception held at Christ Episcopal Church, 33 E. First St. in Corning.  We will begin our weekend of camaraderie with some beverages and snacks in the Houghton Lounge.

Jenny Monroe came to love Carder Steuben as one of the original staff members when the Rockwell Museum opened in 1976. She stayed with the Museum for the next 23 years and had the opportunity to learn from Bob Rockwell, Tom Dimitroff, Paul Gardner and many others. She’s back now with the Association as Treasurer and the “boots on the ground” member of the board as she and her husband live in Corning and collect vintage glass.


Make Your Reservation Soon

Please make your reservations early as there are always other events happening in Corning at this time of year and hotels do get busy.  Details of the Symposium program and hotel discounts are posted on the CSGA website here.  We look forward to catching up with you in Corning!

Dinner Auction Donations

We are soliciting donations for an auction to be held during the Saturday evening banquet dinner.  Proceeds of the auction support the Carder Steuben Glass Association website and our Steuben glass mission.  The CSGA is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and you will receive a tax receipt for your donation.

You may wish to donate or consign Carder Steuben glass, post-Carder Steuben glass, glass of the same era, or glass with relevance to Corning.  Other items like books, New York state wine, or Frederick Carder items also make great auction entries.  In past years we’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy some lovely and rare items including an original Frederick Carder smoking jacket, an original Frederick Carder oil painting, and more.  Please send item descriptions to

If you are attending the Symposium (and we hope you will!) you can bring donation items with you.  Or, you can arrange to have them shipped in advance of the Symposium.  The deadline for submission is September 13th.  All of your help and support are greatly appreciated.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.