Jul 22, 2015
Issue 2268
At its Board meeting in January, the Board of the Club, in accordance with the Club’s By-laws, appointed Vivienne Richards to fill the vacancy in the Webmaster position caused by Marshall Ketchum’s death in October of 2014. Vivienne is a long time member of the Club, a former Director of the Club, and was part of the group who helped with the initial construction of our current website. Since her appointment Vivienne has been adding photographs to the database, updating various website sections (more work remains here), processing membership applications and Symposium registrations, dealing with various technical issues in consultation with our web host and responding to all of the inquiries that are received at the website. It has been a successful transition.
If anyone has photographs that are suitable for the Shape Gallery database, please send them to Vivienne through the link on the website. Questions and comments on the website are always welcome as well.
Scott Hansen
President, Carder Steuben Club
re: Cyprian Candlesticks
from Michael Krumme of LA
I agree that having a perfectly matched pair of candlesticks is desirable, but clearly variations happened and were apparently not deemed important enough to prevent a non-mirror image pair from being sold that way. I base this on finding pairs or sets of glass at estate sales or other places where the chances that that pair of candlestick being “married” is extremely unlikely. In other words, they were purchased that way and the pair stayed together until it was sold. It’s more likely to be a marriage if the pair came from a the estate or collection of a well-informed collector, as he or she would presumably be able to put together a pair after finding one, and conducting a diligent search to locate another. Same for a well-informed dealer.
I also have to wonder if most pairs started out being well-matched, but when multiples were unpacked at a 1920s department store, employees might not take care to put the right ones together before setting them out on display for customers to purchase?
I had a set of 4 green Steuben small tumblers, each of which varied in height and proportions. Ditto for a set of 1930s Pairpoint goblets, all purchased together. The latter were REALLY noticeable.