Base Glass

Apr 13, 2011
Issue 1157

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Yesterday’s Gazette pictured a piece of Green Aurene.

Dick Stark of Bethesda, Maryland commented on whether the base glass was alabaster or calcite. Note in Gazettes from #1132 to 1136 we had an extensive discussion about the differences and use of one or the other base glass in decorated Aurene pieces, e.g. that often called Red Aurene, Green Aurene, Brown Aurene, etc.

If you want to go back to review these discussions go to and then to the tab labeled “Gazette” and then do a search under the words alabaster or calcite. (shorthand to get there, ) Yes, an amazing resource.


Again….I have a pair of these and when I was chatting with Bobby Rockwell Jr and referred to them as calcite…..he told me that they are alabaster…. it makes little difference as they are a heavy homogenous opaque milky glass with a vibrant almost flashed color applied as opposed to a cased glass. Like Quezal, Durand, or much Tiffany.

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