Alert, Alert

Jan 23, 2014
Issue 1901

Be Careful With the Buttons You Push

The Gazette has had several “unsubscribes” from the mailing list recently. When we did some inquiring we’ve had the response that they didn’t knowingly unsubscribe.

We use a commercial hosting service, Constant Contact, to host the Gazette. We’ve tried to sort out why people who don’t request to be unsubscribed are unsubscribed. A likely answer is that instead of checking the delete button X, inadvertently subscribers sometimes hit the Spam button. On many e-mail programs these are next to one another. On many programs, like AOL, when you hit the spam button not only does the Gazette disappear, but more importantly, Constant Contact instantly unsubscribes you.

If an unsubscribe happens it’s a bit of work getting back on. The reason is that Constant Contact to avoid being deemed a spammer by the many internet companies it has to satisfy protects itself with cumbersome spammer procedures.
Bottom line–if you cease getting e-mails or inadvertently hit the spam button, write to me and let me know so we can work through getting you back on the mailing list.

Alan Shovers

Frequency of the Gazette

The Gazette keeps rolling on like your morning newspaper, five days a week. In doing so it tries to be fresh and vibrant. It’s all a result of you subscribers exchanging thoughts, information and knowledge to share with fellow glass collectors. We’ve just completed our 1,900th issue. Pretty amazing. However, as I said it takes input from you. Some mornings there is plenty to share. And, some days, like today there is nothing in the hopper to share. So, one, I encourage you to feed back your thoughts on the subject of art glass. Second, I’d appreciate feedback on whether we’re being too ambitious and should produce the Gazette either on a reduced schedule, only when there is something important to share, or keep it going just as it is. Likewise, there may be suggestions on improvement, content and the such. Reply and let me know your thoughts.

Alan Shovers

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.